Activities & Programs

Whiz Talk
Whiz Talk
Whiz talk series enables the students to meet and hear from eminent scholars and wizards from different walks of life. Beuaracrates like P.B Saleem IAS, Muhammed Ali Shihab IAS, PB Nooh IAS, A Shajahan IAS, Nithin Raj IPS, Abooback-er Sidheeque IAS, Shahid Thiruvallur IIS etc. are part of it.

Bliss Talk
Bliss Talk
Bliss talk episodes provide spiritual awakening and enhance the innate abilities of the students. Religious scholars and life skill coaches are meeting the students at regular intervals to facilitate the same.

Campus Expeditia offers an opportunity to visit the central universities of Delhi and other historical places of national importance. It also includes Industrial Visits, Camps and Spiritual Trips.

Adventure Trips
Adventure Trips
It provides students with an opportunity to explore many new things from fresh perspectives. Familiarizing different environments can keep them encouraged to resolve various curiosities.

Martial Arts & Games
Martial Arts & Games
Martial arts as a certificate course with the recognition of the Olympic association is provided to all students. Inter and Intra school football championships are conducted to enhance the skills of the students. Daily workouts, jogging, and other sporting events are also facilitated.

Spiritual Gathering
Spiritual Gathering
It helps develop empathy and a wider perspective lead into service. It brings growth in mind, body, and soul which will eventually develop characters.

Face IAS is a virtual campus to accommodate students from both high school and higher secondary school. Hundred plus students from across the globe are a part of the very initiative.

INSAF (Integrated Student's Association of Face) is a student organization on campus. There are numerous academic and extracurricular activities under INSAF.